Expertise in forensic analysis, comparison and examination of handwriting, forgery/simulations, disguise, electronic fonts, typewriters, photocopies, facsimiles, printing processes, paper, inks, erasures, alterations, obliterations, mechanical devices, physical matches and charred documents.
What is a Forensic Document Examiner?
Forensic Document Examiners conduct examinations on handwriting, typewriting, electronic fonts, photocopies, facsimiles, printing processes, mechanical devices, paper and ink.
From these examinations, conclusions may be made regarding whether or not the signatures or writing are genuine or non-genuine (forgeries/simulations); possibly identify or eliminate a writer or machine (printer, typewriter, inkjet, laser, facsimile, photocopier, checkwriter); detect alterations, erasures, obliterations, page substitutions or additions; develop and decipher indented writing; identify counterfeits; conduct physical match examinations; analyze and compare mechanical devices (notary seals/stamps); analysis for infra-red reflectance, luminescence or ultra-violet examinations on paper and inks.
Demonstrative charts and expert testimony may be required as a result of the conclusions from the analysis.
Types of cases submitted for exams.
Any document(s) to include, but are not limited to:
Anonymous or Threatening Letters
Bills of Sale
Checks and/or Credit Card Receipts
Computer Generated Documents
Copyright, Patents and Trademarks
Counterfeit Documents
Deeds, Titles and Real Estate Documents
Divorce and Child Custody
Health or Hospice Records
Insurance (life, car or rental)
Medical and Dental Records
Power of Attorney
Rental Agreements
Suicide and Robbery Notes
Summonses or Tickets (Municipal, Traffic, etc.)
Tax Documents
Trust Documents
Will and Estate Documents
Is my expert qualified & properly trained?
The minimum qualifications for a Forensic Document Examiner (FDE) are a Bachelor's Degree, a two/four year apprenticeship with a qualified or board certified examiner with the American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (ABFDE).
For a full explanation of minimum training qualifications, the Scope of Expertise in Forensic Document Examination can be found at under Published Standards for Forensic Document Examiners.
The American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (ABFDE) is the only recognized certifying board who receives sponsorship from: the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners (ASQDE), the Southwestern Association of Forensic Document Examiners (SWAFDE), the Southeastern Association of Forensic Document Examiners (SAFDE), the Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists (MAFS), American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), Canadian Society of Forensic Science (CSFS), Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists (MAAFS) and the International Association for Identification (IAI).
Many sound alike organizations that exist do not have training programs that meet the minimum training requirements, nor are they sponsored by the above listed forensic organizations. Please see FAQ's for further information.